Frequently asked questions.


What is a Pinky Triathlon?

Pinky is our introductory/short course for beginners or those who aren’t ready or able to tackle the longer distances. This distance is open to anyone and everyone wanting to give triathlon a tri!

Ages - Are there minimum ages for each event / course?

Yes. The minimum ages for each course are

  • Enticer: 12yrs

  • Sprint Distance: 14yrs

Check out the Race Competition Rules here: Race Competition Rules – AusTriathlon

Ages - Are there maximum ages for each event / course?

No. The only age limiter is minimum age. I.e. an Adult can enter the enticer course.

Teams – does a team entry mean that three people do all of the legs of the triathlon each, or does it mean that the team members all do one leg each?

A “teams” entry is a relay entry, which means that three members do a leg of the triathlon each, i.e. one does the swim, one does the ride, and one does the run. Or alternatively, it can be a two person team, where one person does two of the legs and one person does the other leg. If you want to do all the legs of the triathlon, sign up as individuals.

Teams - how do I enter as a team? 

 Team entry is available for our enticer and sprint distance courses. For entry, the nominated team captain enters as an individual, and then when prompted clicks “I’m competing as part of a team” where they will then enter in the team name and team member details. On race morning all team members will verify their personal information required.

What if I am not an AusTriathlon Annual member? Can I still enter a race?

Yes you can. If you are not an AusTriathlon Annual member, then during the registration process it will be determined whether you are an AusTriathlon Annual member, and the registration portal will apply the appropriate fee. Only AusTriathlon Members are eligible for the AusTriathlon discounted entry fee. If you are entering as a TEAM, all three members need to be AusTriathlon Annual members, otherwise the non-member fee will be applied.

I am looking for a supportive environment to train for my West Lakes Events. How do I find a club?

AusTriathlon has a wide range of safe, supportive clubs that afford a great environment for those new to the sport or looking to take it to the next level. Most Triathlon Clubs in SA have qualified coaches which can give you the best grounding in our great sport to make you the best you can be. Find a club now



Can I do any sort of swimming stroke in the swim leg?

Yes you can, just as long as you don’t interfere with any other swimmers, and that it is safe.

What if I get scared while in the swim leg?

There is water safety personnel in boats and on boards, and you are most welcome to rest on a board or similar while you get your breath and pull yourself together. There is no penalty for resting on a board during the swim, as long as you aren’t being propelled forward.

Can I wear a wetsuit in the swim leg of the event?

Whether you are able to wear a wetsuit or not at an event is something that is determined on the day of the event. It is completely dependent on water temperature and to a lesser extent, ambient air temperature.

In short, if you’re an “age grouper” and the water is under 22 degrees, then you have the option to wear a wetsuit if you wish.

Does everybody start at the same time in the swim leg?

There will always be wave starts for the triathlon, to spread out the swimmers in the water. The size of the wave starts should be generally around 50 competitors, and they generally start a few minutes apart. The wave starts, and the corresponding wave cap colours can be seen on posters at the actual event. Make sure you take note of the waves.

Where do I get my swim cap for the event?

The swim cap is given to you as part of the registration process. It is imperative that you wear this cap, as its colour indicates the wave start that you are in.

What happens if I get into trouble in the swim leg and need saving?

Simply put your arm up and attract the attention of someone from water safety. They will come to your aid and bring you back into shore if necessary. There is first aid located on the shoreline.

When you get out of the water and run up the sand into the transition area, are there any facilities to wash feet before putting shoes on?

No there isn’t, a lot of the sand will fall off as you are running up the stairs and also on the surface in transition. Any sand left can be wiped off with your towel before you put your shoes on.



Do I have to bring my own bike?

Yes you do, we do not provide a bike for the triathlon.

Can I use any sort of bicycle for the triathlon?

There are many different bikes that would be suitable, ranging from ultra fast road racing bikes, to mountain bikes and cruisers.

The main thing is that the bike must be roadworthy and safe to ride.

There will be AusTriathlon officials who greet you as you go into the transition area with your bike, who will check your bike over to make sure they are safe to ride.

Do I have to wear a helmet?

Yes you do, it is compulsory. The helmet must meet Australian Standards (it will have an Australian Standards sticker on it if it complies). The AusTriathlon officials will check your helmet to see if it meets Australian Safety Standards, and whether it is worn and done up correctly. Make sure you have your helmet ON and DONE UP before 

Is there anything specific that I need to wear on the bike leg?

Yes, you MUST have a covered torso – this is part of the AusTriathlon rules.

If you are wearing a race belt then you must have your race bib number on the back.

You can wear clothes that you would like to wear on both the ride and the run, or you can have cycle specific clothing, and then change into run gear. You can wear sneakers or cycle shoes on the bike, depending on what sort of pedals you have.

What is drafting?

Drafting is where you get an unfair advantage on the bike leg by riding too close to the competitor in front of you. The distance that you need to be from the bike in front of you is 10 metres. If you stay outside this zone then you will not get penalised by the AusTriathlon officials. More information on drafting can be found here:



What if I can’t run the whole way? Am I allowed to walk?

Yes you are certainly able to walk when needed. Please don’t feel that only running is allowed! We would recommend that you don’t go out too hard at the start of your run so that you may have the opportunity to run the whole way. In other words, pace yourself!

Can I wear headphones?

No, headphones are not to be worn during any part of the race, it is against AusTriathlon rules. You’ll just have to listen to the voices in your head instead!

I’m worried about getting sunburnt on the run. Is there anything I can do?

Before the event starts, if you go to the medical tent, they will have sunscreen for you to apply. If you need to re-apply during the run, each drink station has sunscreen that you can use – just ask for it if it isn’t immediately obvious.



Can I have someone to help me in transition?

No you can’t, only competitors can actually enter transition. The only exception is paratriathletes, who may have an official handler or guide to assist them.

When can I get my bike out of the transition area after I race?

There will be an announcement over the loudspeaker as to when the transition area is open for athletes to get their bicycles out. In general, the transition is opened sometime after the final bike is back in transition.

Do I need to bring a bike lock?

No, you don’t. The transition area is secure, and when you need to get your bike out of transition, you have to show that your event wristband with your race number on it matches the number on the bike sticker.